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South East Asia Relief

South East Asia Relief

R.B.A. (pseudonym to protect his identity), is the director for South East Asian Relief, Inc. (SEAR, Inc.), which he founded in 1980 as a non-profit organization.  The mission of SEAR is to bring hope and help to tribal mountain youth and children who are orphaned, abandoned, suffering health problems or disabilities, and living in extreme poverty in the mountains of South-East Asia.  The country served is un-named, as it does not allow any foreign mission work, nor any Christian witness by foreigners.  Christian nationals are only allowed to talk about their faith inside an approved church building – never on the street.  SEAR works quietly without the country’s knowledge or approval to provide medical intervention, education, vocational training, and disaster relief when needed. 

Poor mountain churches, pastors and Christian church leaders are now being helped to enable them to reach out to children and families in severe poverty to help them live and clearly hear the Gospel.  At present, 9 tribal mountain churches are being helped.  These churches serve over 2,900 youth and children.  Funds are raised for clothing, medicine, school supplies, house and church repair.

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